Celebrating Multicultural Events Funding

24 August, 2020

The Celebrating Multicultural Queensland (CMQ) program is an annual program that provides funding towards multicultural events and projects that engage people from culturally diverse backgrounds, including people who arrived in Australia as migrants or refugees, people seeking asylum, members of diverse cultural groups and the wider community, to contribute to building an inclusive, harmonious and united Queensland.

In 2020–21, the CMQ program will deliver two funding rounds:

  • Multicultural Events— NOW OPEN and will close midnight Friday 25 September 2020.
  • Multicultural Projects— This funding round will open at a later time within 2020-21.

In 2020–21, the CMQ program will also support:

  • Regional Partnerships Demonstration Projects
    Targeted one-off funding of $100,000 per annum over three years has been approved for Balonne, Bulloo and Paroo Shire Councils to deliver demonstration projects, with community-based delivery partners and local communities, that implement strategies that strengthen welcome and inclusion in these regional locations.

For more information and to apply follow this link. 

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