Regional Development Australia Central and Western Queensland
RDACWQ work tirelessly to understand the ever-changing subtleties of the area and fully appreciates that the region has experienced volatility in its economy. Many of the economic sectors and industries have, and continue to experience various challenges and opportunities. The long-term sustainability of numerous communities is under pressure, as in a lot of cases, the economic drivers which demanded their original creation continue to evolve.
Regional Development Australia is an Australian Government initiative that brings together all levels of government to enhance the development of Australia’s regions.
RDA Committees have an active and facilitative role in their communities with a clear focus on growing strong and confident regional economies that harness their competitive advantages, seize economic opportunities and attract investment.
Collaborating with other RDA Committees, all levels of government, and the private sector, RDACWQ will, in line with the RDA Charter:
a) Facilitate regional economic development outcomes, investment, local procurement and jobs.
b) Promote greater regional awareness of and engagement with Australian Government policies, grant programs and research.
c) Improve Commonwealth regional policy making by providing intelligence and evidence based advice to the Australian Government on regional development issues.
d) Co-ordinate the development of a strategic regional plan, or work with suitable existing regional plans that will align with the Commonwealth’s regional priorities.
Our Region
The vast Central Queensland region covers approximately 28% of the state (514,261 square kilometers) and incorporates the regions of Fitzroy and Central West.
The Fitzroy region occupies 117,813 km2 and comprises six local government authorities including;
Banana, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Central Highlands, Woorabinda and Livingstone.
The Central West region covers 396,449 km2 and includes six local government authorities including:
Barcaldine, Blackall-Tambo, Longreach, Barcoo, Diamantina, Winton and Boulia.

Roll Over Our Region to View Councils

Diamantina Shire Council

Winton Shire Council

Barcoo Shire Council

Barcaldine Regional Council

Longreach Regional Council

Blackall-Tambo Regional Council

Central Highlands Regional Council

Livingstone Shire Council

Banana Shire Council

Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council

Rockhampton Regional Council

Gladstone Regional Council