$500M Housing Support Program OPEN

27 March, 2024

The Australian Government’s $500 million Housing Support Program is now open for applications from state, territory and local governments for projects that will boost the planning required to increase housing supply.

Stream 1 is for projects that aim to build the planning workforce and capability to improve the efficiency of the planning process so that housing construction can start sooner.  

These could be new pathways for planners and related professions to enter the industry, or tools to streamline planning systems and improve decision-making efficiency.

Projects could also look at sharing resources between local governments or supporting master planning and planning reform.

Projects must demonstrate how they will align with planning, zoning and regulatory reforms agreed through National Cabinet’s National Planning Reform Blueprint, land-use planning for disaster resilience and the aims of the National Housing Accord.

The National Housing Accord with states and territories sets out a shared ambition to build 1.2 million new well-located homes over 5 years from 1 July 2024.

Homes would be close to jobs, schools, transport and other amenities to support improved productivity and liveability.

Applications for stream 1 of the $500 million Housing Support Program will be open from Wednesday, 27 March 2024 until 12.00pm AEST Monday, 29 April 2024.

Stream 2 will provide funding for projects that provide enabling infrastructure and amenities such as footpaths, roads and parks to support new housing. This stream will open for applications May 2024.

Click here for more information or support. 

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