Deadly Deals
5 November, 2019
Deadly Deals provides grants to support Indigenous businesses and innovators to undertake the next step in the development of a product, process or service to market.
Deadly Deals aims to:
- support growth in priority industry areas in Queensland
- help diversify the Queensland economy
- engage and/or benefit regional Queensland
- create new jobs or career pathways for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
To be eligible for funding, organisations must:
- be an Indigenous business*
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- be registered for GST (at time of application)
- be head-quartered in Queensland
- have no more than 50 full time equivalent staff
- have a product development project supported by a business plan and capable of being completed within 12 months
*For the purposes of Deadly Deals, an Indigenous business is defined as a business that is at least 50 per cent or more owned by an Aboriginal person and or a Torres Strait Islander person. It may take the form of a company, incorporated association or trust. For clarity, a social enterprise or registered charity may also be an Indigenous business if it is operating a business. This definition is in accordance with the Queensland Indigenous Procurement Policy.
Guidelines and conditions
How to apply
Deadly Deals has a two-stage application process:
Stage 1: Expression of Interest
Stage 2: Full application by invitation only
Applications are now open by way of Expression of Interest.
An online Expression of Interest must contain
- a completed SmartyGrants online Expression of Interest Form