Growing Workforce Participation Fund

31 May, 2024

The Growing Workforce Participation Fund develops partnerships with industry to build longevity and sustainability in the workforce. It does this by empowering industry and employers to support job seekers from identified groups who experience greater disadvantage in the labour market.

It is one component of the suite of programs delivered under the revitalised Back to Work initiative, which is designed to give businesses the confidence to employ Queenslanders who have experienced a period of unemployment and help workers facing disadvantage in the labour market.

The fund provides:

  • industry-led solutions to find and keep employees in Back to Work target locations
  • greater industry-specific support for disadvantaged and vulnerable target groups.

The fund will support industry organisations to primarily support people from the following groups:

  • young people (aged 15–24 years)
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
  • people with disability
  • long-term unemployed people (unemployed 52 weeks or longer).

The fund is administered by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT).

Click here for more information.

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