Heywire competition now open!

Heywire competition now open!

31 July, 2023

The ABC is calling for stories from young people to be entered in the Heywire Competition! This annual storytelling competition showcases what life is like in regional, rural and remote Australia. Up to 40 winners, chosen from right across Australia, will work with ABC producers to see their stories featured on the ABC. They also receive a place at the Heywire Regional Youth Innovation Summit, where winners come together to discuss how life could be improved for young people in their communities. Enter your story by Friday 1 September 2023.


What is Heywire?

The Heywire Competition empowers young people from all over regional Australia to tell the nation what life is like in their part of the world.

Up to 40 winners from across Australia will get to work with ABC producers and see their stories featured across ABC platforms including ABC TV, RN, local radio, triple J and iview. They also receive an all-expenses paid trip to the Heywire Regional Youth Innovation Summit, where winners come together to discuss how life could be improved for young people in their communities.

Past winners have used Heywire to make positive change in their communities by exploring issues around agriculture, mental health, youth employment, disability and cultural identity, just to name a few.

Entries can be submitted in any format including writing, video, photos and audio. Entries are now open, and close Friday 1 September 2023.

How can I help to spread the word?

Heywire is easily incorporated into classrooms using our free learning resources, and here are some other ways that you can help spread the word to your students.

  • Do you know a young person with a great story to tell? Encourage them to enter! This is one of the most important and powerful ways that you can help and it’s also one of the easiest!
  • Post about the competition on your school social media accounts.

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