Northern Australia Insurance Inquiry: second update report released
7 August, 2019
The ACCC has released its northern Australia insurance inquiry second update report. The report and media release can be found here.
The second update report finalises the ACCC views on the 13 draft recommendations made in the first interim report and provides updates on the five Focus Areas for the inquiry in 2019.
As part of Focus Area 1: Measures to further improve insurance affordability and availability, we are currently reviewing a broad range of options considered in Australia and internationally to improve insurance affordability and availability, and whether these could be applied in northern Australia. To inform consideration, they are seeking submissions from stakeholders on what measure(s) they think have the greatest potential to improve insurance affordability in northern Australia. The process for making a submission and some questions to guide responses are outlined in the report.
Stakeholder views are requested by Friday 6 September 2019.