Regional Queensland Petition
29 May, 2019
Petition details:
Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that over 70% of Queensland’s population currently reside in the south east corner of Queensland. Population projections suggest this trend of settlement will continue to grow to over 75% in the next 25 years.
As the engine room of the Queensland economy and for the benefit of residents across the State, we need a long-term vision from the government directed towards regional communities so that they can continue to contribute to the growth of the economy and be a key provider of economic diversity. The challenges and systemic issues faced in our urban areas including congestion, unaffordable housing and the increasing infrastructure expenditure to support this growing population concentration affects all Queenslanders. The regions have both the desire and capacity to be part of the solution for the benefit of all.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to implement policy settings that actively encourages investment, population, jobs and business growth in the regional areas. As part of this, the petitioners seek policy settings around payroll tax and concessions as well as active involvement of the Department of State Development to grow self-sustaining industries and jobs in the regions. This is absolutely pivotal to the future of our great State.