5 March, 2021
The Securing Raw Materials Program (SRMP) provides funding of up to $5m for businesses relocating to regional areas, partnering with a regional research institution and undertaking research into, and development of, innovative and locally sourced raw material supplies (including establishing new suppliers or products and value-adding to existing known supplies).
The SRMP grant opportunity is for businesses looking to undertake research and development of innovative and locally sourced raw material supplies. The program recognises that establishing or securing a supply of raw materials is a crucial element of business success.
The SRMP is a key initiative of the Regional Decentralisation Agenda, which supports the long-term economic regional prosperity by
supporting jobs, investment and competitive regional industries. The Regional Decentralisation Agenda delivers benefits to regional communities by encouraging private and public sector relocation to regional Australia.
Applications for the SRMP are now open, and offer an opportunity for businesses to strengthen productivity and lower costs through access to improved or innovative raw materials.
The eligibility for the Securing Raw Materials Program is quite broad with details in Section 4 of the Guidelines. Although Section 5.1 of the Guidelines states “Projects in the minerals extraction and traditional energy production sectors are not eligible for grant funding”, this Section also speaks to how research can support eligible activities.
Closes: Wednesday, 24 March 2021
For more information: